NAHB Announces DEI Compact to Challenge Systemic Inequities

  • July 05, 2021
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The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Taskforce formed last year has developed and announced a DEI Compact for the homebuilding industry to sign.

The compact outlines five principles to guide NAHB's work to diversify the membership and advocacy work that contributes to changing the systemic challenges to home ownership, such as zoning laws and policies. Those five principles are:

1 - Welcoming Frank and Honest Discussion

We acknowledge that the first step of improving Equity, Diversity and Inclusion begins with appropriate discussion.

2 - Having a Listening Heart
We understand listening with your heart to experiences and context will develop empathy and knowledge.

3 - Committing to Engagement
We commit to a higher level of individual engagement that stretches capacities and individual experiences.

4 - Taking Action
We understand that words do not create progress and that only specific and determined action, on everyone's part, will create the necessary changes.

5 - Creating a Movement, Not a Moment
We unite our strength to achieve a common goal of creating a new level of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that changes the human experience now and in the future.

As a member of the NAHB DEI Taskforce, DAHLIN is an active signatory of the DEI Compact, and we urge our industry colleagues to consider signing as well. While we recognize it is a small step, we believe it to be an important one for laying the foundation for meaningful change to occur.

You can review the Compact, the press release and other materials by going to and join us in helping to move the association and the building industry forward.

Learn more

Go to DEI Compact

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