DAHLIN Client Experience Initiative Wins 2022 CX-cellence Award

  • March 09, 2022
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The DAHLIN Client Relationships Champions initiative has won a 2022 CX-cellence award for its achievements in implementing a customer service culture that elevates the experience of working with DAHLIN at every touchpoint.

To be presented at CXps 2022, a conference for forward-thinking professional service firms across the United States to share knowledge and best practices, the Client Experience Excellence (CX-cellence) Award celebrates the path organizations take on their CX journey to create excellent client experiences through their innovation and ideas. The DAHLIN Client Relationships Champions initiative was developed as part of a 3-year strategic plan, and we are currently in the third year of implementation. Through the initiative, DAHLIN has identified client relationship champions across our market sectors and offices, who personify our core values and guiding principles, who are working collaboratively to strengthen client relationships at every touchpoint.

Under this initiative, DAHLIN conducted an extensive client experience survey, and is planning to conduct a broader survey with additional clients to assess our progress and inform our ongoing client experience journey. "It is important to us that our clients express an appreciation for their client service experience in addition to the recognition we have received for design quality. One of our guiding principles is insisting on excellence and implementing an ongoing client experience initiative is one way we are doing that," said DAHLIN Senior Director of Branding Vanessa Pelletier, who has been co-leading this initiative alongside DAHLIN senior leadership.

Recognizing building client loyalty is an ongoing process, Client Experience Excellence (CX-cellence) submissions are judged based on the innovation of the CX design and/or process, the demonstration of purposeful leadership, the focus on creating a differentiated client experience, employee engagement, client connectedness, and measurable outcomes. Awards will be officially announced at the awards ceremony held at CXps 2022 in Durham, NC May 10-12.

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